Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Types of pain NeckShoulderUpper backElbowLower backWrist and handKnee Menu Neck Shoulder Upper Back Elbow Lower back Wrist and Hand Knee Knee Pain Common causes of knee pain at work include: 1. Tight/weak thigh muscles 2. Pinching of nerves in the lower back 3....
Knee Pain

Wrist and Hand Pain

Types of pain NeckShoulderUpper backElbowLower backWrist and handKnee Menu Neck Shoulder Upper Back Elbow Lower back Wrist and Hand Knee Wrist and Hand Pain Common causes of wrist and hand pain at work include: 1. Pinching of nerves in the neck, shoulder, elbow, or...
Knee Pain

Lower back pain

Types of pain NeckShoulderUpper backElbowLower backWrist and handKnee Menu Neck Shoulder Upper Back Elbow Lower back Wrist and Hand Knee Lower back pain Common causes of lower back pain at work include: 1. Tight buttocks muscles 2. Tight lower back muscles 3. Pinching...
Knee Pain

Elbow pain

Types of pain NeckShoulderUpper backElbowLower backWrist and handKnee Menu Neck Shoulder Upper Back Elbow Lower back Wrist and Hand Knee Elbow pain Common causes of elbow pain at work include: 1. Tight neck muscles 2. Pinching of nerves in the neck and shoulder 3....
Knee Pain

Upper back pain

Types of pain NeckShoulderUpper backElbowLower backWrist and handKnee Menu Neck Shoulder Upper Back Elbow Lower back Wrist and Hand Knee Upper back pain Common causes of upper back pain at work include: 1. Tight chest muscles 2. Weak/tight upper back/shoulder muscles...
Knee Pain

Shoulder pain

Types of pain NeckShoulderUpper backElbowLower backWrist and handKnee Menu Neck Shoulder Upper Back Elbow Lower back Wrist and Hand Knee Shoulder pain Common causes of shoulder pain at work include: 1. Tight shoulder muscles 2. Tight upper back muscles 3. Tight chest...
Knee Pain

Neck pain

Types of pain NeckShoulderUpper backElbowLower backWrist and handKnee Menu Neck Shoulder Upper Back Elbow Lower back Wrist and Hand Knee Neck pain Common causes of neck pain at work include: 1. Tight neck muscles 2. Tight shoulder muscles 3. Pinching of nerves in the...